
This is some, hopefully useful, information about my experiments with what has become known as the Internet-of-Things. I have a large desk of bits and pieces that I will document about how they will come together to allow me to monitor my house and environment, control the stuff we use and if it helps save money, power, environment, sanity...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

BlackFin starts to take shape...

Well we move from paper to reality! It is starting to take shape... the power supplies are all working apart from one footprint being completely wrong... luckily a three pin device so not too much board chopping. The Debugger sees the DSP so we have got that right this time. Now to tweak some old BlackFin code to being happy with the BF540x... Looks a bit like Analog Devices have done a better job than some about maintaining consistency between all their families...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

It's Italy Jim but not as we know it...

Got a cheap Arduino DUE clone from Deal Extreme. Had a bit of a laugh at the standard Arduino map of Italy making it through the copying process in a rather chewed up manner. Yet to do to much to this board but it seems a reasonable quality and the USB has enumerated it as a serial port. The ARM programming port is the fiddly little 1mm pitch thing unfortunately but I'm sure we can sort that all out. The SAM Xplained code that I wrote earlier in the year should plonk down on there fairly easily...